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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Florida yacht company on applicant: Don't hire ''black and over weight'' woman

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A Fort Lauderdale company that hires crews for yachts is facing damages after an employee accidentally sent an email to an applicant saying she wasn't hired because she's "black and over weight."

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported Tuesday that Broward County says Luxury Yacht Group must pay Diane Melton almost $200,000 in damages and fees.

The employee who interviewed Melton recommended her for hiring. But a supervisor wrote in an email that she accidentally sent to Melton that she shouldn't be hired because she is black and overweight. The supervisor added that the email should be deleted.

Marcy Laturno, who would have been Melton's boss, wrote, "I do think she would do a good job. However, I am not sure she portrays the image we are looking for here. I am also a bit worried abut [sic] the discrimination issues the boats have. As she is black and over weight, these are two issue boats do not employ for. [T]he majority not being US flagged they can discriminate.''

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