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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just don't call it a chicken: Chinese cousin of T-rex is the biggest feathered dinosaur ever - 30 feet long, and it weighed a tonne

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A close cousin of Tyrannosaurus rex discovered in China is the biggest feathered dinosaur ever found. 

The huge predator Yutyrannus Huali measured almost 30 feet and weighed more than a tonne - it's 40 times heavier than any previous feathered dinosaurs. 

Like T. rex it was a formidable predator, but - unlike its famous relative - was covered in downy feathers.

Scientists believe the feathers had no connection with flight and would have been used to keep the animal warm.

Despite being dwarfed by T. rex, Yutyrannus was 40 times heavier than the largest feathered dinosaur known to date, Beipiaosaurus.

Three almost complete fossil skeletons of Yutyrannus, one adult and two juveniles, were found in Liaoning Province, north east China.

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