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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Did Hitler Have a Secret Son with a French Teenager?

Source: Time NewsFeed

Jean-Marie Loret strove to find out if it was true that his father was Adolf Hitler. New evidence supports the story.

New evidence from France and Germany supports the story of Jean-Marie Loret, a man who believed Adolf Hitler was his father. Loret’s mother, Charlotte Lobjoie, is said to have had an affair with the future dictator in 1917, when she was 16.

Loret died in 1985. Four years earlier, he had written a memoir called Your Father’s Name Was Hitler, in which he recounts the revelation about who his father was. He was told his mother met Hitler while he was on leave from fighting the French. They began an affair, even though they could hardly speak each other’s language. According to the book, when the couple went for walks in the countryside during Hitler’s rare visits, their “talks” were frequently him long-form ranting in German.

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