Wasting time on the dismal Davos website last week I found a nasty statistic. In the next 10 years there will be 1.2 billion young people looking for work and only 300 million jobs to go around. Next to this stark stat was an invitation to write an essay solving the problem.
Briefly I got excited and started sharpening my pencil, as I’m pretty sure I have the perfect answer to the question of youth unemployment. Alas, on closer inspection, the competition turns out not to be open to me, but to the “Young Global Shapers Community,” which sounds like a group of juvenile dieters but turns out to be “extraordinary individuals” in their 20s and 30s.
Yet however extraordinary these people are, I guarantee their essays will be no good. The young shapers have been given the title: “What can I and the global community do to create jobs for my generation?,” but there is nothing much any of them can do – because we old shapers are in the way.
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